About StoryLinks
StoryLinks is a children’s book review site supported by Book Links.
We believe that children’s literature plays an important part in shaping culture, expanding knowledge, increasing empathy and empowering children and we will review children’s books accordingly.
We aim to be champions for children’s literature, children’s authors and illustrators and hope to inspire children, families, librarians, teachers and anyone else to value story and this art form.
Book Reviews
We publish reviews on the latest books for children and young adults, including board books, picture books, junior fiction, middle grade and YA.
Reading Lists
Popular lists of recommended reading arranged under headings, useful for both parents and teachers when looking for books on particular topics. Prepared by Dajo Finlayson.
Read our interviews with a growing list of people who are significant in the world of children’s literature, including authors, illustrators, teacher librarians and more.

Winners receive cash prizes and will have their stories published on this website.