The Boab Tree
By Helen Milroy Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Helen Milroy is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region. Her thoughtfully designed and produced books for children combine stunning colourful artwork with simple accessible text which introduce readers to Australian wildlife.
Book Links November News
We start off with looking at all the local news in the children's literature world and then move on to the rest of Australia. There is always something exciting happening. Read all about it here. Book Links November NewsÂ
The Cheeky Toddler Alphabet
By Davina Bell & Jennifer Falkner Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This warm hearted book is so much more than a simple alphabet book! It is a detailed loving portrait of a mother and her son as they live, learn, and grow each
Our World: Philippines
By Zewlan Moor & Happy Garaje Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This is the latest addition to the Our World series which aims to introduce young readers to the culture and lives of people from other places around the world. Titles inclde Ethiopia,