Brave In Every Which Way
By Maddy Mara & Lauren Degraaf
Reviewed by Mia Macrossan
Maddy Mara is the pen name of creative duo Hilary Rogers and Meredith Badger who have collaborated for neary 20 years. Laure Degraaf uses pencil, watercolour and pencil crayon to achieve her gorgeous effects.
Brave in Every Which Way is an exhortation to young children to be brave in the small everyday events of their lives. Bravery is needed often throughout a day if you are to grow. It takes bravery to admit mistakes, to try new things, to make new friends, to be caring, and to admit you need help. It is needed to speak out against bullies and to ‘be true to that innermost you.’
Written in a rhythmic rhyming text ably extended by Lauren Degraaf’s bright and cheerful illustrations this is not a story but a succession of scenes showing children having fun and being brave in small but significant ways. The language is plain, direct and straightforward. ‘Zucchini or nuts? Trying new food takes guts. You may rate it a one or a ten!’
Parents and teachers will find this a useful teaching and learning tool when talking with children about resilience and courage in everyday life..
Affirm Kids 2025
Maddy Mara