This is the second adventure featuring the four intrepid frogs, after Frog Squad Dessert Disaster. This time they receive a distress call from an old pal whose island home, Croakomo, is being exploited by evil TOADS. In case you missed the first one the Frog Squad consists of Tony Rowley, a green tree frog, Nelson Hewitt, a black rain frog, Quito Gonzalez, an Ecuadorean glass frog and Jilly Gilly, a corroboree frog. Eam team member is given a page describing their role, special skills and frog facts about their species. Their nemesis is Professor Cain, the evil mastermind behind TOADS (The Organisation of Amphibious Devious Scoundrels).
Croakomo is home to stink bugs who live on poisonous jungle plants which are valuable for their fruit, leaves and sap. It looks as if there is an ecological disaster in the making and it is up to the Frog Squad to avert catastrophe.
This light hearted adventure is full of fun facts and has serious underflying themes about the natural world, sustainability, friendship and belonging, all delivered with maximum humour. It is just as inventive and funny as the first one. There is lots of action, puns galore, even the occasional commerical break all interspersed with details about the natural world and its ecology.
Kate and Jol Temple’s text highlights the fun and doesn’t preach and Shiloh Gordon’s expressive art extends this text in every possible way. Recommended for readers aged 6+ who like their science facts embedded in humour and adventure.