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For Junior Reviewers

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Become a Junior Reviewer for StoryLinks

If you are a keen and discerning reader, enjoy talking about books and would like to have your views published, please send us your reviews.
Start by reading other Junior Reviews.
Then, when you are ready to write your review, either copy and paste the information below into a Word document or download the Word document. Fill it in and send it to us
If it is suitable we will publish it along with our regular reviews. We don’t mind how old or young you are or what the book is, what we want to do is share your enjoyment of books and reading, so start writing!
Teachers, feel free to share the Word doc with your classes and reading and writing groups.
StoryLinks – Review Questions for Junior Reviewers.doc


Review questions for Junior Reviewers 
1. Title of book, author and Illustrator
2. Who is your favourite character? Describe them, name, age, and tell us why you like them. Is there something interesting or unusual about their family?
4 What was the most gripping/exciting/suspenseful moment in the story?
5 Did this story make you laugh/cry/ or want to throw it across the room?
6. Would you have changed anything in the story and why?
7. Who would you recommend read this book?
8. (Optional) Is there anything else you want to say about this book? For example, did you like the illustrations?
9. How many hearts out of five?
♥ = Didn’t finish it
♥ ♥ = Ok, but not for me
♥ ♥ ♥ = I enjoyed this
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ A great book, I recommend it
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ One of the best books I have ever read!
Interesting fact about yourself:


Thank you for being a StoryLinks Junior Reviewer.
Happy reading!
1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680

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