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  /  Reviews

By Caroline Magerl Reviewed by Lara Cain Gray Tomato Sandwich is the latest release from celebrated author and illustrator Caroline Magerl. It takes place on an average day in the home of young Ottily and her dad. Otilly awakes, dons her fairy

By Aaron Fa’Aoso & Michelle Scott Tucker with Lyn White Reviewed by Helen Gearing Co-writers Aaron Fa’Aoso (producer, actor and screenwriter) and Michelle Scott Tucker (biographer and author) have teamed with children’s publishing consultant Lyn White (editor of the middle-grade series Through

By Sophie Gillies & Karen Erasmus Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Australian animals provide endlessly fascinating material for children to discover, and this book has a surefure topic that will have all the young ones hooked, poo! It's a book describing the different kinds

By Sandy Bigna Reviewed by Mia Macrossan ‘Night slides in with its warm-scented breath, swallowing up the shrinking sun and gently flicking its star-lights on. This lyrical debut verse novel immediately reaches out to touch your heart with its original imagery and evocative language. It

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