StoryLinks interviews Debbie Smith, winner of the 2018 StoryLinks Short Story Competition
Debbie spoke to Mia Macrossan about her writing life.

Can you describe how and when you write?
I try to write most days and begin around 4-4:30am. It is quiet and I am at my most creative then. I roll out of bed, tiptoe to my office and switch on my very bright desk lamp and begin. I often wonder if my neighbours see my light on at the same time every morning. During these early hours, I write. Once I am satisfied with what I have written I generally read, answer emails and try to get a little social media marketing updated for Shadytree Books. I’m usually really ready for bed early in the evening, but that’s okay, I’m usually excited about what ideas will come to me the next morning.
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Deb Smith
It was lovely chatting to you Mia. Thank you.
Errol Duck-Chong
Wonderful news, Debbie. Great to see this development and progress. May you continue to find rich fulfilment and purpose in your writing.
Deb Smith
Hello Errol, what a lovely surprise to hear from you. Thank you for your well wishes and encouragement. It means a lot. This is
another little step in my writing journey and confirms I’m heading in the right direction. Perseverance and commitment are rewarded. I love the journey. Thanks again. ☺️