Off the Track
Written by Cristy Burne
Illustrated by Amanda Burnett
Reviewed by Margaret McKay-Lownes

The story is presented in an attractively illustrated volume, with suitable font and spacing for the emerging independent reader (8+). The joys of camping – carrying a pack, pitching a tent, cooking food on a campfire and toasting marshmallows – are described fondly. There is a strong ecological message – learn to appreciate, understand and preserve our precious natural spaces. Engage in healthy outdoor activity and grow relationships with the people around you instead of sticking your head behind electronics.
These are all worthy messages packaged up in an easy-to-read story about going for a walk in the bush.
Fremantlle Press 2018 Paperback $14.99 128 pages Ages 8+ ISBN: 9781925591743
Cristy Burne grew up climbing trees, jumping drains, chasing cows and inventing stories. She has a passion for learning through doing and loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. Cristy is a children’s author and science writer with degrees in biotechnology and science communication. She has also worked as a science circus performer, garbage analyst, Santa’s pixie, and atom-smashing reporter.