Frankie Goes to Kindergarten
By Peta Baxter and Connie Hemmens
Illustrated by Marjory Gardner
Reviewed by Mia Macrossan
Frankie is actually a real and much-loved kindy dog in a real kindergarten here in Queensland. In the book we see a typical day in the life of Frankie, which echoes and illustrates what a child would do at kindergarten, so this book is a great way to familiarise them with the activities that they will engage in during the day.
Frankie visits the pets, says hello to the children as they unpack their bags and wave goodbye to the grown-ups, he helps with dress ups, listens as the children play some musical instruments, cuddles up with someone reading a book and plays with the children when they go outside. At the end of an eventful day he helps pack up and says goodbye as everyone goes home.
This is charmingly illustrated in bold bright colours. The endpapers feature a variety of objects which you have to find in the body of the book, an inspired way of encouraging children to look closely at the page.
Frankie Goes To Kindergarten is a wonderful introduction for those children just about to start this important step in their lives and also great fun for those who already attend as they can compare and contrast with their own kindy.