The End of the World is Bigger Than Love
By Davina Bell
A BOOK HOOK from the Ipswich District Teacher-Librarian Network
She said we didn’t know what the world out there had become. We had been alone there so long on that tiny island, in that tiny church.
But in the night, I couldn’t bear it.
My chest beat like wings.
Our entry into this post-apocalyptic world is not through one, but two unreliable narrators. It’s a story sometimes too overwhelming to absorb, a survival exposé wrung from sacrifice, grief and desperation. There are many literary references and obscure allusions to decipher, but through it all, Summer keeps us entertained, while Winter keeps it real. Right on page one, Summer tells her story of their mother’s death, yet Winter provides a completely different story through pages 103 to 105.
Text Publishing 2020