Book of Curious Birds
By Jennifer Cossins
Reviewed by Mia Macrossan
This is the latest information title by Australian author and artist, Jennifer Cossins, whose previous titles include the A – Z of Endangered Animals, 101 Collective Nouns, The Baby Animal Book and many more. All her books are ideal presents and this one is no exception.
Here Jennifer has assembled a personal collection of birds from all over the world, some common, some endangered, some famous and some unknown. We learn about the poisonous hooded Pitohui from New Guinea, the most dangerous bird alive, which is the cassowary, and the Tufted Coquette, a tiny jewel of the Amazon and many more. As she says in her introduction ‘you’ll learn that birds are awesome and deserve our love, care and respect.’
Stunning illustrations combine with a tantalizing summary about each bird guarantee to turn everyone who reads this book into a bird lover. This is a big book and each bird is given a full page illustration, characterised by Jennifer’s signature precise detailed style and accurate colour.
A must for every school library and home collection.