Searching for Treasure
By Johanna Bell & Emma Long
Reviewed by Mia Macrossan
Johanna Bell lives in Tasmania and is the author of The Colour Catchers, Hope is the Thing, illustrated by Erica Wagner, and many more. Emma Long is an accomplished artist, exhibiting regularly in group and solo exhibitions across the Northern Territory. Here they have collaborated on a lush, joyful picture book that will resonate with everyone who has ever wandered the beach at high tide looking for treasure.
From beginning to end this is a thoughtful, carefully researched and beautifully presented study of life, animal and vegetabel (and some magical) that can be discovered if we have eyes to see. A child and an accompanying adult search for treasure along the beach. 
There are two levels of text, one for the child inviting observation and comment, the other is aimed at adults.This information is general and conversational ‘ baby sharks are called pups’, cuttlebones…look a bit like little surfboards’.
Details on each page are meticulously labelled in fine print so the adult can seem knowledgeable but the picture are not cluttered. More and more details and treasures are found as you slowly progress, carefully examining each page. You just can’t rush this. Sometimes we have a close up view, sometimes there is a vista. At the end you are rewarded with a fantastic surprise. Each spread, in opulent colours, sometimes with the edges cut to blend in before and after, is a feast for the eyes. The light is always soft, this is not something to do in the middle of the day.
Searching for Treasure is a reminder to pause and look, and share. It is an object lesson in observing our world, exploring nature and finding joy in discovery. Recommended for home and school libraries.
Allen & Unwin Children 2024
Johanna Bell
Emma Long