The Bee Squad
Boosting biodiversity in your neighbourhood by Judy Friedlander Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Dr Judy Friedlander is the founder of PlantingSeeds Projects, the environmental organisation whose flagship program is the B&B Highway. She is passionate about teaching children and adults how to create conditions
Australian Backyard Birds
By Myke Mollard Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Our backyards are the places where children first learn to observe and experience the unique environment that Australia offers. Birds that visit these spaces are many and varied and are an important part of learning
Bush Birds
Written & Illustrated by Helen Milroy Reviewed by Sandy Driessens “Little birds, big birds, all different kinds. How many bush birds can you find?” From an inquisitive little Blue Wren to an emu booming out his song, this beautiful picture book identifies Australia’s