Aisle Nine
By Ian X. Cho Reviewed by Lucille Rose Aisle Nine by Ian X. Cho is a thrilling dystopian sci-fi, following the demonic life of supermarket worker Jasper. Retail is hell. Literally. Between vomit mop-ups and portals to the monster-dimension, Jasper’s workplace doesn’t exactly
Andromache Between Worlds
By Gabriel Bergmoser Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Gabriel Bergmoser is an award-winning Melbourne-based author and playwright. His YA novels include Boone Shepard and True Colour of a Little White Lie. Andromache Between Worlds is his first middle-grade book. This is much more fantasy than
Hamlet is Not OK
By R A Spratt Reviewed by Helen Gearing Signing up to review a new R.A. Spratt novel is slightly terrifying when you’re a long-term fan. Spratt’s previous best-selling series – Peski Kids, Nanny Piggins, and Friday Barnes – and her podcast, Bedtime