Bedtime Daddy
written by Sharon Giltrow
illustrated by Katrin Dreiling
reviewed by Barbara Braxton
It’s 7.00 pm and it’s time for bed. No more screentime or playtime and regardless of the protests, it’s time. But it takes perseverance and patience to work through all the diversions and distractions – getting into PJ’s, teeth brushing, toilet time, stories and questions, one last drink and the inevitable monsters that need dispatching…
Parents and younger readers will really resonate with this story and the beautifully illustrated scenes with lots of detail will be so familiar, but they will also love the twists in the tale that make it stand out from other stories on the topic.
Because it is such a familiar routine, there are lots of opportunities for discussion as young listeners compare, predict, and make connections with their own experiences and those of the characters. However, there are also strong teaching aspects such as time, day and night, moon phases, the need for sleep and so on that offer lots of opportunities for this to be more than a bedtime story with comprehensive teachers’ notes and activities available to assist this.
As our youngest littlies’ lives start to return to normal and regular routines are reinstated, this has great potential to help them re-establish those as they create sequencing charts that they can follow and tick off each time they are completed. Parents will love it.
EK Books, 2020 Hardback $A24.99 ISBN 9781925820386
Reproduced with permission
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This is such a gorgeous book.
Thank you Norah :-).