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Funny Kid Prank Ninjas (Funny Kid, #10)

Written and Illustrated by Matt Stanton.
Reviewed by Sandy Driessens

What! Max, THE funny kid is not even on the cover of his own book! Max’s outrage is on the fly papers and gives a clue to the rest of Book 10 in the “funny kid” series.

It’s the second week of school holidays and Max Walburt is on a pranking rampage against his friends because of “an incident in the first week …that must never be spoken about”. The Redhill movie-theatre, shopping mall, toilets and library are in chaos as the frenemies battle it out to be THE Prank Ninja … a mystery, lurking in the shadows. But the Redhill Mayor, Mr Lopez and his assistant Beryl are on the warpath as well, against the havoc Max and his friends have created. So will Max get his revenge?… Will the frenemies become friends again?… Has Max ‘ruined the holidays? … Is the joke over, funny kid?

Matt Stanton can certainly channel his inner 11year old boy. His language, illustrations and text placement scream ‘I am eleven and this is how I roll!’. His caricatures are simple, expressive and easily identifiable and so is their jargon.

This is my first ‘funny kid’ read and, I’m sure that his fan audience will find this new episode an entertaining read filled with eleven-year-old humour.

Teaching Guide
 HarperCollins 2021


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