A Tale of Two Dragons
By Geraldine McCaughrean
Illustrated by Peter Malone
Reviewed by Barbara Braxton
The kingdoms of Arbor with its lush forests, and Pomosa rich with farmland, are separated by a high, thorny hedge and they have no love between them. But at night, the children have taken to sneaking across the borders to thieve -some to gather fallen branches for firewood, the others to cut the corn and milk the cows to feed families. But instead of sharing their riches, the Kings decide to fight, instead… with dragons. But what kind of future will that bring?
This is a tale with an olde-worlde feel about it that carries an age-old message about sharing and co-operating rather than hoarding and fighting. Having the children doing the stealing because they hear their parents lamenting not only demonstrates the power of children living what they see and hear but opens up a discussion about the morals and ethics involved. Do you do what you know to be morally right or do you do what needs to be done?
An interesting story that could be compared to the good versus evil fairytales that were the moral compass of yesteryear.
Andersen Press, 2021