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Shortlist for 2022 Short Story Competition for writers 18+

The art of the short story is alive and well. We are thrilled to announce the shortlist for this year’s short story competition for writers aged 18+. This year we had a record 43 entries from which the judges chose four stories to shortlist.

2022 Shortlist

The Pop Girls by Meredith Downes

Queenie’s Jiggly-Jolly Holiday by Marian McGuinness

The Quitzgibbons by Angie Schiavone  (withdrawn)

The Secret Keeper by Bec Timmis

The winner will be announced at the annual Narelle Oliver Children’s Literature Lecture on Thursday evening, 26 May 2022, at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls School, Ruthven Street, Corinda
The winner will receive $250.00, and they will be invited to have their story published on StoryLinks website.

Congratulations to those shortlisted and a big thank you to all the talented writers who entered this year’s competition. We hope to see you all again next year.

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