Dr Judy Friedlander is the founder of PlantingSeeds Projects, the environmental organisation whose flagship program is the B&B Highway. She is passionate about teaching children and adults how to create conditions to improve biodiversity everywhere. No matter where you live, whether it be apartment, townhouse, suburb or in the country, everyone can do their bit.
The Bee Squad is about much more than bees (although they are an important part). Judy shows how the reader can explore their neighbourhood, build a diversity corridor, plant a biodiversity friendly garden, and build homes for birds, bees and other animals. She encourages the reader to become a citizen scientist and explains in detail what that entails. She talks about heating and cooling of the atmosphere and how we can influence the ambient temperature. For the artisticly inclined she gives tips for nature photographers, illustrators and gives examples of how art can be used proactively. Finally we learn how to champion diversity in our neighbourhood.
Judy writes with passion informed by a thorough knowledge of her subject. This book is dense with information but the reader is never overwhelmed. Her writing style is chatty and informative. She suggests, encourages and provides numerous avenues to facilitate action. I love the Local Nature Champions sections where she showcases children from all over Australia who have taken action. These give a glimpse of what can be achieved, the difficulties overcome and the better understanding gained. She pays tribute to First Nations knowledge and shows how significant it can be in boosting biodiversity.
This is a handbook for of every young nature enthusiast as it so very practical. It explains, informs and shows what can be done. It is a goldmine for teachers and parents, with plenty of illustrations, web resources for delving further and excellent teacher’s notes (which are useful for any keen reader).