Wild Life: The Extraordinary Adventures of Sir David Attenborough
By Leisa Stewart-Sharpe and Helen Shoesmith Reviewed by Sarah Custance Leisa Stewart-Sharpe is an Aussie born author who now resides in the UK, she mostly writes non-fiction as well as regular picture books, and sometimes combines the two together as you will
Terry Denton’s Really Truly Amazing Guide to Everything
By Terry Denton, Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Terry is famous as one of the duo who produces the wildly popular Treehouse series of books with Andy Griffiths. Here he is on his own, writing about, well, everything. He covers history and the science
Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature
Produced by The Natural History Museum Reviewed by Mia Macrossan The Natural History Museum has a whole exhibition based on the theme of real and fantastical animals and the relationships between them. Unfortunately the museum is currently closed due to Covid restrictions