I’m ready for preschool
by Jedda Robaard
reviewed by Kerry Neary
The I’m Ready books celebrate the exciting milestones and events in a child’s life. The series serves as a stepping stone between first concept books (numbers, alphabet, colours, animals, etc) and longer narrative picture books. They are ideal for children ages 3 to 4.
In I’m ready for preschool Koala says that he is ready for Something new and exciting.
There would be thousands of Australian five-year-olds thinking about the same thing at this time. Who wouldn’t be getting excited about backpacks with lunch boxes, water bottles, hats – and spare undies, just in case.
After a big kiss from an anxious parent, a smiling teacher takes over to introduce the children already playing around the room. The new friends are all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Australians –children nevertheless – and that adds familiarity to the story.
Preschool is a big step in children’s lives and this is such an appropriate book for reading right now to show them how welcoming it can be.
Puffin 2019 Board Book $12.99 14 pages Age 3+ ISBN: 9781760891602