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Death – fiction Tag

  /  Posts tagged "Death – fiction"

By Suzy Zail Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Suzy Zail used to be a lawyer but quit to become a writer. Her books include The Tattooed Flower,  The Wrong Boy, and Alexander Altman A10567 -  all stories based on or inspired by her

By Nat Amoore Illustrated by Mike Barry Reviewed by Sarah Custance Nat Amoore is the author of Secrets of a Schoolyard Millionaire, The Power of Positive Pranking, and The Right Way to Rock all based around different children in the fictional school of

By Claire Zorn Reviewed by Margaret McKay-Lowndes Young Adult novels often take the form of sci-fi, fantasy or dystopia, taking us to amazing worlds full of dragons, aliens, or earth-changing catastrophes. Not so The Protected, an award winning novel by Claire Zorn

By Matt James Reviewed by Yvonne Mes This beautiful picture book  reveals a child’s understanding of death and shows her feelings and thoughts leading up to and during the day of a funeral. ‘A few days earlier, there had been a phone call.

by Mem Fox and Freya Blackwood reviewed by Mia Macrossan Little children are famous for asking difficult questions - ones adults may think they are too young to fully understand the answer. Children ask questions where the adult may not be confident

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