Puffin Little Series
Reviewed by Sarah Custance
Celebrating 80 years of Puffin the publishing house has chosen to go back to their non-fiction origins with this new series of informational books for young readers.
Puffin was first introduced in World War ll to give children information and understanding of the evacuations and now the brand is embracing a wide variety of information books with the first in this new series focusing on: the ANZACs, Snacks, Composting, the Solar System, Robotics, and the Ocean.
These little books are the perfect classroom or library companion, at just under 100 pages per book it gives the reader a variety of facts on the chosen subject while still leaving the option of engaging further and more in depth up to the reader, teacher, or parent depending on the area and level of interest.
In Little Cook: Snacks the book gives the reader a handful of easy to follow recipes for every meal of the day and clearly alerts the reader to when ‘Big Cooks’ may be needed to help out.
The ANZAC’s, the Ocean, and Robotics were more focused on giving clear and easy to understand facts about the different areas while making sure the book was still engaging and fun with illustrations and experiments to do at home.
These Puffin Little books are a fantastic way to get young readers interested in non-fiction reading and though they do deal with some serious topics, Puffin has been sure to be truthful but leave further explanation on hard subjects up to the discretion of the reader’s parents or teachers so that the books may be enjoyed and suitable to a larger age group.
Puffin Little Historian: The ANZACS 2020 Puffin Little Scientist: The Solar System 2020 Puffin Little Cook: Snacks 2020 Puffin Little Explorer: The Ocean 2020