Arsenal Board Books Series
The Arsenal ABC and The Arsenal 123
Official Arsenal Product
reviewed by Kerry Neary
Blatantly commercial, this series has only two titles to date – ABC and 123 – but if this marketing strategy succeeds there could be more to follow. The upside is that books like this will bring fathers and their children together in reading (especially with their sons) and that is a very desirable outcome. (Yes, I know, girls play soccer too – and reading AND playing with Dad also a great thing! Oops – Mums too!)
The ABC book focuses on the players’ sporting lives, with lots of action photos and field shots. For very young eyes a lot of these photos are busy; but the red and white colours give enough scattered contrast to capture attention. It would be up to the helping adult to do a lot of explaining about what’s in the photos to maintain interest – a spectacular bicycle kick; dribbling; Gunnersaurus; and particularly Z is for zzzzzz.
On the other hand, the 123 book is more about the livery of the club, the badges, the mascot, the crests; even the iconic stadium clock and the Highbury Stadium itself. The red and white colours of these provide strong contrast to attract an infant’s roving eye. Gunnersaurus makes a return here, along with marketing products, red rubber ducks and club teddy bears provided with striped scarves and team shield attached.
In a cheeky addition, there are some tests to solve at the end of each book, so adult readers, pay attention!
New Frontier 2019 Board Book $12.99 Age 0 – 3
The Arsenal ABC ISBN 978-1-925594-47-8
The Arsenal 123 ISBN ISBN : 978-1-925594-48-5