Little Book Baby
By Katrina Germein and Cheryl Orsini Reviewed by Lara Cain Gray Katrina Germein and Cheryl Orsini are prolific contributors to Australia’s picture book industry, with a reputation for humorous and heartwarming stories for young readers. Little Book Baby explores the social and
Voice of the Sea
By John Williamson Illustrated by Andrea Innocent & Jonathan Chong Reviewed by Mia Macrossan John Williamson is an Australian singer songwriter who has had two of his popular songs produced as picture books Old Man Emu and Christmas in Australia. Voice of the Sea
Book Links January News
Enjoy the January Book Links Newsletter filled to the brim with news, events and all matters current in the world of children's literature.
Etta and the Octopus
By Zana Fraillon & Andrew Joyner Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Zana is the much awarded writer of picture books including The Gargoyle and The Curiosities and books for older readers such The Lost Soul Atlas and The Way of Dog, both reviewed in
Chico the Schnauzer
By Taryn Brumfitt and Levi George Reviewed by Mia Macrossan From Australian of the Year and founder of the Body Image Movement, Taryn Brumfitt, comes this delightful story of Chico the Schnauzer, a dog who learns to embrace all the wonderful things
All You Can Be
By Angela Casabene & Michelle Conn Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This love letter to children everywhere is Angela's first picture book inspired by her own two daughters. Michelle lives in Victoria and works in both traditional and digital media to illustrate characters
First Mate Lenny
By Elayna Carausu & Sandra Eide Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Elayna has spent a lot of her life sailing the ocean waves and this, her debut picture book, reflects her experiences at sea. Sandra is from Nevada and her artwork is created
Angus & Mouse Read A Book
By Jane Godwin & Terri Rose Baynton Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Jane Godwin is a writer and publisher who has many titles to her credit. Terri Rose is an artist and author living and working near Taupō in Aotearoa New Zealand. She
Zoo School
By Heath McKenzie Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Heath McKenzie is a Melbourne-based author and illustrator who specialises in stylised digital illustrations (aiming to make them look as non-digital as possible). He has written and or illustrated over 40 books. This one, Zoo
Our Family Dragon A Lunar New Year Story
By Rebecca Lim & Cai Tse Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Rebecca Lim is the much awarded author of Tiger Daughter ( CBCA 2022 Book of the Year, Older Readers winner), and Two Sparrowhawks in a Lonely Sky reviewed in StoryLinks. Cai Tse
Feelings are Wild
By Sophy Williams & Gavin Scott Reviewed by Margarite Igras Sophy Williams is the author of The ABC of Cuddles and her second picture book is a counting book that includes emotional vocabulary to help children understand their challenging, and at times
Smoke & Mirrors
By Barry Jonsberg Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Barry Jonsberg is the much awarded author of the 2019 novel, My Life As An Alphabet, which was made into a film. He also wrote A Little Spark, reviewed in StoryLinks. Here he is in familiar
Lani and the Universe
By Victoria Carless Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Brisbane based Victoria Carless's previous novels include the YA novel The Dream Walker and the middle grade Gus and the Starlight, reviewed in StoryLinks. Lani and the Universe is another charming adventure for middle grade readers. Lani is
Alex: Through My Eyes – Australian Disaster Zones
By Rosanne Hawke Reviewed by Helen Gearing The latest book in the Australian Disaster Zones series, Alex is a powerful story providing multi-layered insights into a farming community suffering from a crippling drought. In the text’s accompanying Teachers’ Notes, Rosanne Hawk (whose 2012
The Complete Cleo Stories
Cleo and the necklace; Cleo and the present; Cleo makes a friend; Cleo wants a pet By Libby Gleeson & Freya Blackwood. Reviewed by Helen Gearing The Complete Cleo Stories will be treasured by long-time Cleo fans and new readers alike in an
Here and Only Here
By Christelle Dabos Reviewed by Lucille Rose Christelle Dabos is the author of The Mirror Visitor, which won the Gallimard Jeunesse-RTL-Télérama First Novel Competition. Here and Only Here, is an immediately engaging novel depicting the ups, downs and strange in-betweens of high school. Four
By Jordan Collins and Myo Yim Reviewed by Margarite Igras Jordan Collins was born in Chicago, Illinois and moved to Australia when they were eight years old. Their heritage is African-American Greek-Australian. They have also written Where?, reviewed in StoryLinks by Lara Cain
2024 Short Story Competition now open for entries
The 2024 StoryLinks Short Story competition You are invited! Writers aged 18+ are invited to enter the 2024 StoryLinks Short Story competition Entries should be a short story, maximum of 1500 words, suitable for children of any age up to 15 years old. Due
Talking Translation – interviews with translators of Australian Children’s Books
by Lara Cain Gray Talking Translation is a new series where Lara Cain Gray interviews translators of Australian children's books. She delves behind the scenes and between the lines to learn more about the complex process of translating. These interviews offer a
Breathe In and Out
By Jan Stradling and Jedda Robaard Reviewed by Margarite Igras This picture book is part of a series called A Mindfully Me Story, inspired by the Play School TV show, written by Jan Stradling a former Executive Producer of the Play School
How To Be A Friend
By Sarah Ayoub & Mimi Purnell Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Ayoub has written the YA novels Hate is Such a Strong Word, The Yearbook Committee and The Cult of Romance as well as collaborating with Purnell in two other picture books, The Love
The Crayons Go Back to School
By Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This creative team is known to many for the first in the 'crayon' series, The Day the Crayons Quit, 2018, and other crayon adventures. Drew Daywalt has also written The Legend of
Ready, Set, Big School
A Play School Mindfully Me book about starting school by Play School, Jan Stradling, illustrated by Jedda Robaard Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This is another title in the excellent Mindfully Me series produced by Play School. Previous titles include Beginnings and Endings, reviewed for StoryLinks by
The Bother with the Bonkillyknock Beast: Miss Mary-Kate Martin’s Guide to Monsters 3
By Karen Foxlee, illustrated by Freda Chiu Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Karen Foxlee is the award winning author of Dragon Skin and Lenny's Book of Everything. The Bother with the Bonkillyknock Beast is the third in Mary-Kate monster adventures, the first is The Wrath
Seasons Greetings
StoryLinks is taking a holiday break and will be back with news, reviews and all things children's literature on January 15, 2024. The National Centre for Australian Children's Literature shared a blog, 'a special Christmas blog, our holiday bon bon to
STAND OUT Middle Grade Novels 2023
Readers aged around eight to twelve have been fortunate this year with a bumper crop of great new novels this year. Established authors have continued to delight us with stories full of memorable characters, exciting plots and meaningful and relevant
Christmas books
A selection of new and old favourites for everyone to enjoy and share at Christmas. Christmas Books
STAND OUT Picture Books 2023
Picture book creators continue to amaze and delight with their imaginative response to our world. The boundaries of what is considered suitable for a picture book continue to expand. Writers, illustrators, authorstrators - all are gleefully ranging far and wide
The Boy Who Slept Through Christmas
Written by Matt Lucas Illustrated by Forrest Burdett Reviewed by Annaleise Byrd Matt Lucas is a British actor and comedian best known for his work with David Walliams on the BBC comedy series Little Britain. He has previously published two picture books for
Run Pups Run
By Kerri Day & Nicky Johnston Reviewed by Margarite Igras Kerri Day is a former primary school teacher who enjoys writing stories which encourage younger readers to discover the natural world, explore language, sounds, and creative thinking. This is her second book.