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By Katrina Germein and Cheryl Orsini Reviewed by Lara Cain Gray Katrina Germein and Cheryl Orsini are prolific contributors to Australia’s picture book industry, with a reputation for humorous and heartwarming stories for young readers. Little Book Baby explores the social and

By John Williamson Illustrated by Andrea Innocent & Jonathan Chong Reviewed by Mia Macrossan John Williamson is an  Australian singer songwriter who has had two of his popular songs produced as picture books Old Man Emu and Christmas in Australia. Voice of the Sea

By Angela Casabene & Michelle Conn Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This love letter to children everywhere is Angela's first picture book inspired by her own two daughters. Michelle lives in Victoria and works in both traditional and digital media to illustrate characters

By Heath McKenzie Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Heath McKenzie is a  Melbourne-based author and illustrator who specialises in stylised digital illustrations (aiming to make them look as non-digital as possible). He has written and or illustrated over 40 books. This one, Zoo

By Victoria Carless Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Brisbane based Victoria Carless's previous novels include the YA novel The Dream Walker and the middle grade Gus and the Starlight, reviewed in StoryLinks. Lani and the Universe is another charming adventure for middle grade readers. Lani is

By Christelle Dabos Reviewed by Lucille Rose Christelle Dabos is the author of The Mirror Visitor, which won the Gallimard Jeunesse-RTL-Télérama First Novel Competition. Here and Only Here,  is an immediately engaging novel depicting the ups, downs and strange in-betweens of high school. Four

By Jordan Collins and Myo Yim Reviewed by Margarite Igras Jordan Collins was born in Chicago, Illinois and moved to Australia when they were eight years old. Their heritage is African-American Greek-Australian. They have also written Where?, reviewed in StoryLinks by Lara Cain

A Play School Mindfully Me book about starting school by Play School, Jan Stradling, illustrated by Jedda Robaard Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This is another title in the excellent Mindfully Me series produced by Play School. Previous titles include Beginnings and Endings, reviewed for StoryLinks by

By Kerri Day & Nicky Johnston Reviewed by Margarite Igras Kerri Day is a former primary school teacher who enjoys writing stories which encourage younger readers to discover the natural world,  explore language, sounds, and creative thinking. This is her second book.

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