By Emma Lord Reviewed by Lucille Rose This action-filled dystopian thriller follows the story of young Piper Manning, one of the only survivors of the strange infection that swept across the world fifty-two days ago. Isolated on a farm in New South
Liar’s Test
By Ambelin Kwaymullina Reviewed by Helen Gearing Ambelin Kwaymullina is an award-winning Aboriginal author and illustrator from the Palyku people of Western Australia. Her books for children (ranging from picture books to YA dystopian novels) have won the Victorian Premier’s Literary Award,
Never a Hero: Only a Monster 2
By Vanessa Len Reviewed by Helena Never a Hero, written by Vanessa Len is the second in a three-book series, following Only a Monster. This fantasy-romance, set in England, tells the story of a high school girl named Joan Chang-Hunt, who is a
The Marvellers (The Conjureverse, #1)
By Dhonielle Clayton Reviewed by Bryani-Rose The novel, The Marvellers, written by Dhonielle Clayton is a captivating and magical tale that transports readers into a world of wonder. The story follows 11-year-old Ella, who is a young Conjurer and the first ever to attend
Every Exquisite Thing
By Laura Steven Reviewed by Lucille Rose Reading Every Exquisite Thing by Laura Steven is like taking a shot of espresso—deliciously dark and so strong that it takes over your senses. This book centres on Penny Paxton, the daughter of A-list celebrity Peggy
Ride the Wind: Sky Dragon #3
By Anh Do Illustrated by James Hart Reviewed by Sarah Custance Anh Do is fast becoming one of the most well-known names in Australian children’s literature. His million copy series include: WeirDo, Hotdog!, Ninja Kid, Wolf Girl, E-Boy, Rise of the Mythix, and
Sky Dragon #1 Take To The Skies
By Anh Do Illustrated by James Hart Reviewed by Junior Reviewer Leonard Cavallaro Anh Do’s new book is the beginning of a unique and suspenseful series. Anh Do is a skilled author, actor, comedian, and painter, with some of his most famous books
Wolf Girl 3: The Secret Cave
by Anh Do illustrated by Lachlan Creagh reviewed by Sarah Custance If you have children or work with children in any way, then I have no doubt you now no longer think of Anh Do as a T.V. personality or comedian but rather
Evie and the Animals
by Matt Haig illustrated by Emily Gravett reviewed by Mia Macrossan This heartwarming story introduces a young girl who has the special talent of being able to understand and talk to animals a la Hugh Lofting's Dr Dolittle. (I don't think it is