Celebrity Children’s books
Many celebrities, famous for achieving in their particular field of endeavour, whether it be sport, cooking, acting, marrying a royal person or whatever, decide to write a book for children, with varying success. Recently Jamie Oliver's book Billy and Epic
Lover Birds
By Leanne Egan Reviewed by Lucille Rose Lover Birds is an inclusive teen romance set in the city of Liverpool, England. Eliose ‘Lou’ Byrne is just trying to scrape through sixth form when she finds herself with an unexpected acquaintance. Posh, sharp
Eleanor Jones is Not a Murderer
By Amy Doak Reviewed by Jamie Willis Amy Doak’s debut young adult novel and CBCA Notable, Eleanor Jones is Not a Murderer, hooks the reader from the first line:‘Before I say anything, I’d just like to make one thing perfectly clear: I didn’t
Here and Only Here
By Christelle Dabos Reviewed by Lucille Rose Christelle Dabos is the author of The Mirror Visitor, which won the Gallimard Jeunesse-RTL-Télérama First Novel Competition. Here and Only Here, is an immediately engaging novel depicting the ups, downs and strange in-betweens of high school. Four
The Night In Question
By Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson Reviewed by Junior Reviewer Lucille R. Crowley, age 13 This addictive murder mystery follows Alice Ogilvie and Iris Adams as they unravel a dark web of lies that has entangled their town of Castle Cove. The
The Offline Diaries
By Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinene Reviewed by Sarah Custance Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinene, the award-winning duo behind the critically acclaimed Slay In Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible, are now back with The Offline Diaries: As Told by Ade and
The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School
By Sonora Reyes Reviewed by Rose Hill First things, first this book deals with suicide ideation, mental health, and hospitalization along with many forms of discrimination, these issues are potential triggers for many people. I really enjoyed reading this book, the narrative about
The Agathas
By Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson Reviewed by Caeleigh Hancock In this YA thriller, American authors Kathleen Glasgow and Liz Lawson, who have previously separately published YA novels, have collaborated to create a who-dunnit with characters and plot twists that would do
Daughter of the Deep
By Rick Riordan Reviewed by Sarah Custance Rick Riordan is the international bestseller of over 30 novels including the much-acclaimed Percy Jackson series. Daughter of the Deep is the first in a new series for Riordan inspired by Jules Verne’s unforgettable character,
By Michael Grant Reviewed by Junior Reviewer Aaron Ding Aaron Ding is 11 years old with a passion to write stories, and is always looking for ways to improve them! Go and read it!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ First published over a decade
Before the Beginning
by Anna Morgan reviewed by Margaret McKay-Lowndes “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul” Mark 8:36 This quote opens this gripping coming-of-age story from Anna Morgan author of All that Impossible Space, and provides
The Bogan Mondrian
by Steven Herrick reviewed by Dajo Finlayson From the very outset this book had me captivated. The vibrantly coloured front and back covers caught my attention as I’ve always been a fan of the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian’s work. His wonderfully abstract,