The Strangeworlds Travel Agency
By L.D. Lapinski Reviewed by Sarah Custance L.D. Lapinski is a British author and The Strangeworlds Travel Agency is her first published novel. It is so popular that it is currently being translated into twelve different languages and the sequel The Strangeworlds
The Race for the Red Dragon: Children of the Dragon 2
by Rebecca Lim reviewed by Sarah Custance ‘The Race for the Red Dragon’ is the second novel in the ‘Children of the Dragon’ series by Rebecca Lim, the first being ‘The Relic of the Blue Dragon’. Rebecca Lim is the award-winning author
E-Boy #1 : Lightning Strike
by Anh Do illustrated by Chris Wahl reviewed by Sarah Custance Anh Do is now a household name in children’s books. The master of engaging reluctant readers alongside the likes of David Walliams with their ridiculously silly and funny books that have young
The Monster Who Wasn’t
by T C Shelley reviewed by Sarah Custance T.C. Shelley has been an English Teacher and ‘The Monster Who Wasn’t’ is her first novel. Throughout the book there are various hints that at least one sequel if not a whole series is
Who’s Afraid of the Quite Nice Wolf?
by Kitty Black Illustrated by Laura Wood reviewed by Kerry Neary Let’s get whimsical. Whimsy is that typical feature of stories for the young that leaves readers feeling upbeat and chuckle-happy. It can begin with the cover. Take the title Who’s afraid of
Scoop McLaren Detective Editor
by Helen Castles Reviewed by Sarah Custance Helen Castles is a real life newspaper reporter with ‘Scoop McLaren Detective Editor’ being her first published book, the beginning of a series. Helen has wonderfully blended her actual reporter experience as (I’m sure you
Jane Doe and the Cradle of all Worlds #1 The Jane Doe Chronicles
by Jeremy Lachlan reviewed by Mia Macrossan This debut novel just won the Australian Book Industry Book of the Year for Older Readers 13+ . I think that a good reader of 10+ would cope and really enjoy this rollicking fantasy adventure. Jane