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Middle Grade Readers

  /  Reviews   /  Middle Grade Readers (Page 6)

By Catherine Norton Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Norton made her debut in children's fiction writing the acclaimed Crossing which was joint winner of the Patricia Wrightson's prize in the 2015 NSW Premier's Literary Awards. In The Fortune Maker she has written a taut

By Trace Balla Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Trace creates graphic novels and children’s books about connecting with country and community. A self-described ‘story catcher’ she finds inspiration in nature and incorporates local plant and animal species into her detailed, cartoon-style drawings. She

By Remy Lai Reviewed by Zewlan Moor Remy Lai is a Brisbane author/illustrator who has had international success with hybrid books such as Pie in the Sky and Fly on the Wall, and graphic novels for younger (Surviving the Wild) and middle

By Cate Whittle Reviewed by Liane McDermott Cate Whittle writes fantasy and adventure fiction for children and young adults. Her books include the junior fiction Trouble series and novels for older readers, such as Wyrd and Emergency Rescue Angel. In the spirit of solar punk—a subgenre of

By David Almond Illustrated by Kirsti Beautyman Reviewed by Helen Gearing Part love letter to overseas travel and part highly-illustrated short story, Paper Boat, Paper Bird follows nine-year old Mina as she spends a holiday in Kyoto, Japan, with her mother. In terms

By Emily Snape Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Emily Snape has written and illustrated many books many aimed at young reluctant readers. Shrinkle, the first in a new series called Game On,  is short, copiously illustrated by the author, and written in a

By David Walliams Reviewed by Margarite Igras The author of such popular books as Spaceboy, World’s Worst Monsters and Bad Dad, David Williams has come up with another adventure-packed comic tale, humorously illustrated by Adam Stower, with a noisy overlay of sounds,

By Neridah McMullin Illustrated by Astred Hicks Reviewed by Helen Gearing Evie and Rhino is historical fiction at its finest – immersive in its worldbuilding without ever neglecting plot and character – and is perfect for readers aged nine years and older

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