The Last Comics On Earth
By Max Brallier and Joshua Pruett Illustrated by Jay Cooper and Douglas Holgate Reviewed by Sarah Custance Max Brallier is best known as the author of the much-acclaimed Last Kids On Earth series that has now been adapted as a show on Netflix.
Amazing Dad
By Alison Brown Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Alison Brown is the creator of Amazing Mum and the soon to be published Amazing Brother so we can see that she has a thing going for looking at and presenting families in all their
Scar Town
By Tristan Bancks Reviewed by Sophia Evans Tristan is the acclaimed author of Two Wolves, The Fall, Detention, Cop & Robber, Nit Boy and Ginger Meggs. His books for upper middle grade and young adults are fast-paced mystery thrillers with carefully considered serious
Parcel for Koala
By Shelley Knoll-Miller Reviewed by Margarite Igras Shelley Knoll-Miller is an Australian illustrator who loves storytelling. She has written a series of picture books including Parcel for Turtle, Parcel for Gorilla and Parcel for Penguin. In her latest book, Parcel for Koala,
Winner of the 2023 Book Links Award for Children’s Historical Fiction
PRESENTING The Book Links Award for Children's Historical Fiction WINNER - 2023 Waiting for the Storks by Katrina Nannestad Congratulations to all the shortlisted Authors and Publishers for 2023 Watch the presentation on YouTube Judges' comments When Polish Zophia becomes German Sophia adopted into a high
Sink or Swim: Wolf Girl 9
By Anh Do Illustrated by Lachlan Creagh Reviewed by Sarah Custance Anh Do is undoubtedly one of Australia’s bestselling children’s authors, celebrated for his many series including WeirDo, Hotdog, Ninja Kid, E-Boy, and Sky Dragon. The Wolf Girl books are easily his most
Meet me at the Moon Tree
By Shivaun Plozza Reviewed by Helen Gearing In The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen says, “Our brokenness has no other beauty but the beauty that comes from the compassion that surrounds it.” Shivaun Plozza’s Meet Me at the Moon Tree
Starberries and Kee
By Cate Whittle Reviewed by Liane McDermott Cate Whittle writes fantasy and adventure fiction for children and young adults. Her books include the junior fiction Trouble series and novels for older readers, such as Wyrd and Emergency Rescue Angel. In the spirit of solar punk—a subgenre of
Ember and the Island of Lost Creatures
by Jason Pamment Reviewed by Sarah Custance Jason Pamment is an Australian graphic novelist who quickly gained attention with his first middle grade graphic novel, Treasure in the Lake. Ember and the Island of Lost Creatures is his second graphic novel aimed
Paper Boat, Paper Bird
By David Almond Illustrated by Kirsti Beautyman Reviewed by Helen Gearing Part love letter to overseas travel and part highly-illustrated short story, Paper Boat, Paper Bird follows nine-year old Mina as she spends a holiday in Kyoto, Japan, with her mother. In terms
The Lucky Shack
By Apsara Baldovino and Jennifer Falkner Reviewed by Mia Macrossan This story of time passing for a little shack by the sea is a picture book debut for both creators. It is told from the shack's point of view which is a
Edward the Emu
By Sheena Knowles and Rod Clement Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Edward the Emu is celebrating its 35th anniversary. It has lost none of its charm or relevance and continues to be both hilarious and moving. This successful team also created the sequel
Find Spot: An Australian Adventure
By Eric Hill Reviewed by Barbara Braxton Spot and his mum and dad are camping near a billabong and exploring the Australian outback, its colours and creatures. As they paddle down the creek they discover all the colours that can be found
Hamlet is Not OK
By R A Spratt Reviewed by Helen Gearing Signing up to review a new R.A. Spratt novel is slightly terrifying when you’re a long-term fan. Spratt’s previous best-selling series – Peski Kids, Nanny Piggins, and Friday Barnes – and her podcast, Bedtime
Meet Katrina Nannestad: Book Links 2023 Award for Children’s Historical Fiction Shortlist
By Mia Macrossan There are four brilliant writers on this year’s Book Links Children’s Historical Fiction Award Shortlist: Felice Arena The Unstoppable Flying Flanagan, Katrina Nannestad Waiting for the Storks, Pamela Rushby Interned, and Claire Saxby - The Wearing of the Green Each one has kindly
Game On: Shrinkle
By Emily Snape Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Emily Snape has written and illustrated many books many aimed at young reluctant readers. Shrinkle, the first in a new series called Game On, is short, copiously illustrated by the author, and written in a
Meet Felice Arena: Book Links Award for Children’s Historical Fiction shortlist
By Mia Macrossan There are four brilliant writers on this year’s shortlist: Felice Arena : The Unstoppable Flying Flanagan, Katrina Nannestad : Waiting for the Storks; Pamela Rushby : Interned; Claire Saxby : The Wearing of the Green Each one has kindly agreed to answer a few questions about writing
By Felice Arena and Beatrice Cerocchi Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Felice Arena is well known as an actor, speaker, TV presenter and playwright. He has written many award winning books including the Specky Magee series, the historical novels Fearless Frederic, The Boy
Meet Claire Saxby: Book Links 2023 Award for Children’s Historical Fiction Shortlist
By Mia Macrossan There are four brilliant writers on this year’s Book Links Children’s Historical Fiction Award Shortlist: Felice Arena : The Unstoppable Flying Flanagan, Katrina Nannestad : Waiting for the Storks, Pamela Rushby : Interned, Claire Saxby : The Wearing of the Green Each one has kindly agreed to answer
Reading Pictures – Drawing Words A Database of Picture Books for Older Readers
Welcome to Reading Pictures – Drawing Words the new Picture Books for Older Readers database produced by The National Centre for Australian Children's Literature with titles suitable for use from Grade 5 to secondary school. This database combined with its attendant resources
Mr Chippa The Woodblock Carver of Bagru
By Lee Fullarton Reviewed by Mia Macrossan In 2014 Lee, an artist from Ipswich, lived in India and spent time working with the woodblock carvers of Bagru, a town on the outskirts of Jaipur in Rajasthan. This experience was the inspiration for
Dolly Parton’s Billy the Kid Makes it Big
By Dolly Parton with Erica S Perl Illustrated by Mackenzie Haley Reviewed by Sandy Driessens Legendary Dolly Parton has a passion for improving literacy and is working to do that through her organization “Imagination Library”. Since it started in 1995, she has mailed
Birdie Lights up the World
By Alison McLennan & Lauren Mullinder Reviewed by Sandy Driessens Birdie the penguin was the chosen one. It was her job to light up the world every night, with her song. This was her great responsibility. Her friends depended on her to
Fireflies in Flight The Towers #2
By Mette Jakobsen Reviewed by Helen Gearing The second instalment of the urban dystopian series ‘The Towers’, Fireflies in Flight is a YA adventure for readers aged fourteen years and older who are looking for a fast-paced, high-stakes story of teenagers resisting
Huda Was Here
By H Hayek Reviewed by Charlotte Barkla Huda Was Here is a heartfelt, funny tale of two kids trying to bring their dad back home. After a period of low crime rates in the neighbourhood, Huda and Akeal’s dad loses his job
By David Walliams Reviewed by Margarite Igras The author of such popular books as Spaceboy, World’s Worst Monsters and Bad Dad, David Williams has come up with another adventure-packed comic tale, humorously illustrated by Adam Stower, with a noisy overlay of sounds,
Pepper Masalah and the Flying Carpet
By Rosanne Hawke Illustrated by Jasmine Berry Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Rosanne Hawke is a prolific author of children's books, many of which explore cultural and social issues. Notable titles include Shahana: Through My Eyes and Taj and the Great Camel Trek. Here we
Riz Chester: The Counterfeit Bust
By R A Stephens Illustrated by Em Hammond Reviewed by Mia Macrossan R A Stephens runs publishing houses Wombat Books and Rhiza Edge, and also writes and edits individually both for their own company and for other publishers. They are primarily interested in
StoryArt Exhibition 2023 Meet the Artist Anil Tortop
by Mia Macrossan The annual StoryArt Exhibition is all set to start next month on Monday, June 26 and run until Sunday July 2 at the Richard Randall Art Studio at Mt Coot-tha, Brisbane. It will be a week of fabulous displays for everyone
Meet Pamela Rushby : Book Links 2023 Award for Children’s Historical Fiction Shortlist
There are four brilliant writers on this year's Book Links Children’s Historical Fiction Award Shortlist: Felice Arena : The Unstoppable Flying Flanagan, Katrina Nannestad : Waiting for the Storks, Pamela Rushby : Interned, Claire Saxby : The Wearing of the Green Each one has kindly