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By Neridah McMullin Illustrated by Astred Hicks Reviewed by Helen Gearing Evie and Rhino is historical fiction at its finest – immersive in its worldbuilding without ever neglecting plot and character – and is perfect for readers aged nine years and older

By Gabriel Evans Reviewed by Margarite Igras Award-winning creator Gabriel Evans, who has also illustrated works for Sonya Hartnett and Jane Goodwin has written a heart-warming and insightful book about the meaning of friendship and what it means to be a good

By Shelley Ware & Serena Geddes Reviewed by Lara Cain Gray There are quite a few books in the early reader and middle grade space celebrating Australian sports and sporting heroes, but fewer to be found in picture books. We Are Matildas

Written by Sara Pennypacker Illustrated by Matthew Cordell  Reviewed by Zewlan Moor  Delightful, but not entirely fresh, Sara Pennypacker’s latest book is a departure from the previous Pax and Clementine series she is best known for.  Leeva Spayce Thornblossom is eight or nine. No

By Sarah Ayoub Illustrated by Mimi Purnell Reviewed by Margarite Igras We know how busy life can be and the importance of having time out to reset and spend quality time with the people we love. Well, take note of this family. They have

By Jeannie Baker Reviewed by Barbara Braxton Despite being surrounded by mountains of rock and cacti, the boy prefers to sit inside and experience the world through the screen of his tablet.  He fears going far from his home because he has

By Mem Fox & Linda Davick Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Mem Fox shot to fame with her instant classic Possum Magic way back in 1983. She has worked with many different illustrators such as Judy Horacek for  Where is the Green Sheep?

By Sandhya Parappukkaran Illustrated by Michelle Pereira Reviewed by Mia Macrossan Winner of the 2024 Multicultural NSW Award This is the third time these two have teamed up and it is always a wining combination. You may remember The Boy Who Tried To Shrink

By Karen Blair Reviewed by Margarite Igras Karen Blair is an award-winning Australian illustrator and author of children’s picture books. Here she has taken a new and humorous twist on welcoming a new baby to the family and more so, to the

By Maura Pierlot Illustrated by Triandhika Anjani Reviewed by Margarite Igras This non-fiction picture book, written by the award-winning author, playwright and filmmaker, Maura Pierlot is packed with wonderful full-page illustrations by Triandhika Anjani. What will you make today? is a child centred book,

By George Ivanoff Reviewed by Sarah Custance George Ivanoff is the author of over 100 books, both fact and fiction. Monster Island is Ivanoff’s latest fiction novel about a young boy who ends up on an island filled with dinosaurs. When his mum

By Terri Libenson Reviewed by Sarah Custance Terri Libenson is the New York Times bestselling author of the Emmi & Friends graphic novel series. Surprisingly Sarah is the series 7th instalment about how one decision can change a friendship forever. Sarah doesn’t need

By Allayne L. Webster Reviewed by Liane McDermott Real and fake friendships alongside the pitfalls of social media are explored in this young adult novel by Allayne L. Webster. An internationally published Children’s and Young Adult author, Allayne Webster has published ten

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